October 25, 2012


I took a tip from Michelle Duggar and started writing the boys' names on the paper plates we've been using for dinner (don't judge!)........ Then that just got boring so I started putting nicknames to make them laugh..... TO ended up with a fun name that will most likely stick....

Let's go back to last fall.

We were up on the Blue River, in a lovely recessed camp site. We had other families there and the boys were all playing near a stream. There was somewhat a steep hill to get down to the stream and the boys were going up and down back and forth and having a great time exploring. TO found a wonderful walking stick and was using that going down the steep hill.... in a jog. That's when he lost his footing and fell. The way he fell, the right side of his face hit the top of the walking stick. And it punctured it pretty deeply.

He knew it hurt. When he came up to the camp site, he had a stream of blood down his cheek and it alarmed me... Dh took it pretty hard.... we got the first aid kit, cleaned it up, and tried to bandage it as well as we could, hoping it wasn't going to need medical attention. We still decided it was time to go home for us and packed up and made the long drive home.

Later that night, when the wound was still bleeding, we decided it was time to see a doctor. I took him to a pediatric urgent care where they inspected it, cleaned it and derma-bonded it right up.

 It healed well enough. It actually opened up again and left a chicken pox like scar,  but smaller than the original injury. Sometime this spring I realized it wasn't an indention anymore, but more even with the skin and I thought that was a good thing....

Over the summer, I noticed it was starting to form a bump... raised from the skin. Interesting...

Over the past month or so.... I watched it get larger and begin to change to a dark color... almost black. EEEKKK!

I was still in the stage of considering what was going and watching it more closely (daily, instead of weekly) to decide what was going on... when DH saw it.... and FREAKED OUT.

Of course it was a Saturday and this is something that I adore about DH-- when he gets worried about the boys, it CANNOT WAIT. It has to be addressed IMMEDIATELY> >> So, off to the pediatric urgent care we go again.... (it almost looked like an abscess, only black but hard to the touch).  They looked and tried to open it to relive the pressure, but couldn't. It was almost like scar tissue, not really an abscess at all. They said we needed to see a dermatologist.

Monday afternoon... I took all three boys to see Dr. Skin.... who told us that it all needed to be removed! :0

After a lot of talking TO into it, they numbed the area, sliced it open, cut out the ball of skin, pulled out a small black pea sized something that looked like a rock, cleaned it all out and stitched it up.

He was a champ through it all! He did not want to do it and kept telling me it was fine and didn't need to see a doctor.... 
They sent everything off to be tested..... and the thing they removed came back as "piece of wood". 

A few days later, they removed the stitches.... and put a sticky bandage to hold it closed so it would leave a small scar...

I haven't taken another picture of it yet... it is a little bit of a wide scar... but at least he's not carrying around a piece of wood in his cheek!!!

1 comment:

Alaina said...

Ahh! I can't even imagine, that is so crazy! But it does make a great story :)